Becoming the Expert of Your Own Body

What if movement was bigger than exercise, but in a less overwhelming and practical sense? What if you knew how to incorporate movement into your everyday life, not because you feel like you have to or should, but because you know exactly what your body needs to feel amazing at the end of every day?
I like to think of myself as a movement coach, similar to a life coach or a nutritionist combined, but for your movement life and 'diet'. Most of us have started figuring out the nuances of our food diet, we know if we eat dairy, we feel bloated, or if we don't eat enough veggies, our digestion is negatively effected. Most of us have had that feeling of enjoying our food and at the end of the day feeling really GOOD inside, that feeling of knowing we gave our body what it needs to be nourished and sustained.
What if you have a someone who could help guide you to that feeling in your body when it comes to movement? A coach who could not give you a one size fits all program but someone who will help you identify your goals and help you not to achieve a certain shape but a feeling. A feeling of hope, strength, function, ability and capability. Knowing you have the tools to move in a way where your body feels good, that contented sigh at the end of a day where you moved in a way that won't leave you feeling regret, soreness and pain.
This is what I love to do. It's possible for you to be empowered to know your body, know how to make movement choices, to find the movements you might be deficient in and know what to add to balance that out, and to find the movements that might be aggravating and to know how to supplement, all without having to be on an exercise mat or gym for 6 hours a day.
Movement can seem overwhelming and over complicated, similar to diet, should I eat kale everyday, will coconut oil really kill me, is quinoa a grain or seed? It's easy to lose our ability to be intuitive about our eating and feel like we need rules and numbers to follow. We experience the same thing with movement, what is the best cardio? What moves can I or can't I do?
Movement has become such a complicated mess we often feel overwhelmed. It's an area that has become reserved for the 'athletic type' of person, people with extra time or money, specific ages and body types. We categorize ourselves out of this area and feel defeated because deep down, we know our body needs some type of movement to be nourished, but we don't see where we fit into the cacophony of messaging around it.
My goal in this space, during my classes and teachings, are to give you the tools to uncomplicated this mess, to find your movement lifestyle that leaves you feeling amazing at the end of everyday and to hand you a bag of tools to play with, making the process fun and leaving you filled with hope, strength and the ability to dream. Life is beautiful, especially when you can move through it with strength, function, balance and joy.